Nongshim has been kind with the delicious noodle variants they have for us. I have tried various flavours from them and recently my friend got me the Nongshim Mr. Bibim Stir Fried Kimchi Flavour from Bangkok (even though it's a Korean brand). Most of my friends get me ramen noodles when they travel, they know me too well!

Nongshim Mr Bibim Noodles Stir Fried Kimchi Flavour Review

Can't deny that when you hear Kimchi you think Korea. If you were not aware, Kimchi is spicy fermented vegetables and the traditional one is mainly Korean or Napa cabbage but other vegetables are also used. The Korean word "Bibim" means "Stir" in English. So Mr Bibim Stir Fried Kimchi Noodles are supposed to be stir-fried but it's not 100% same yet a little similar to pad thai or other spaghetti dishes. You will understand when I explain the cooking process which is really easy and quick.

Nongshim Mr Bibim Noodles Stir Fried Kimchi Flavour Review

Nongshim Mr Bibim Noodles Stir Fried Kimchi Flavour Review

Nongshim Mr Bibim has too many flavours, Spicy Chicken and Kimchi. I am trying the Kimchi one. The pack comes with Kimchi flakes and Kimchi flavoured sauce. I find the overall packaging and the red attractive. They have however changed their packing recently and you can see it on their website HERE. So to prepare the noodles you have to follow these simple steps:

1) In a saucepan or small pot add 500ml of water and  bring it to boil.

2) Cook the noodles and flakes in the boiling water for 3 to 4 minutes (also depends on how firm for soft you want your noodles which you can check with tasting it in between).

3) Strain the hot water.

4) In the pot  or bowl, place the strained noodles with the hydrated Kimchi flakes and add the sauce.

5) Stir well and enjoy! (Now you see it is not ACTUAL stir fry but gives that effect/result if that makes any sense)

P.s: Sometimes I drizzle a bit of sesame seed oil and sprinkle it with sesame seeds too, yum.

Nongshim Mr Bibim Noodles Stir Fried Kimchi Flavour Review

Now let's Talk about the flavour. Nonghshim noodles themselves are one of my favourites. They taste good even uncooked, yes, you read that right. They have a very balanced noodle flavour and taste almost like freshly made noodles, very comforting. The texture is firm too and doesn't have a weird, fake after taste which I have found in many others, especially Maggi. The dehydrated Kimchi tastes better if you cook it with noodles because you can taste the tanginess more. When I used it dry it was not as flavoursome. The sauce is well balanced and not very spicy. It was tangy and definitely held a bit of that umami magic but I would have liked that nice sourness of kimchi a bit more.

Overall it was a tasty treat and yes I would have it again. 

These noodles are not easily available in Pakistan but there are many places online you can order from like AMAZING THAI.  If you can get it delivered from Amazon then buy HERE.