One of the most successful blogger's meetup I have attended to date was the recent Winter's Blogger's Get together at Pink Cadillac Cafe for the official Launch of Maybelline Baby Lips.

There were so many bloggers there, even guys. Some I knew offline, some online and others I met for the first time ( I think that rhymed?). The evening started with pink lemonades being served while Rana Khan (Makeup artist) demonstrated three different winter looks on volunteers: Smokey, 60's modern and Spring Fiesta. Baby Lips was highlighted as a great product to prep lips before applying a long wear matte or semi matte lipstick. It can also be used as a top moisturizing coat for matte lipsticks. The tinted Baby Lips add a dramatic twist when applied to another color. Fun idea to try (noted!)

The location, though classy, was not appropriate in terms of lighting. Pink Cadillac Cafe is dim and moody which didn't do much justice, neither to the makeup demonstration of winter looks nor to the photographs that were being taken. I wish there was some additional lighting.

The best part of this meetup was of course the meetup and getting a chance to finally (yes I had never tried it) trying Maybelline Baby Lips. Available JUST for PKR350 this delightful little thing is a moisturizing wonder. The plus point is that it smells and tastes good too :p I got Cherry Me (perfect for me).

Brand Claims: "It is a complete beauty kit for the lips where each application of the lip balm, gives you a fix of moisture and a hit of antioxidants and vitamins leaving the lips moisturized for a full 8 hours with your lips visibly renewed and reborn.”

I have been using vaseline for prepping my lips before applying lipstick as well as using it before going too bed (night beauty regime). Baby Lips has now taken it's place for sure. Its available in clear, red and pink tints. Baby Lips is easily available in all top Super Stores and Cosmetic Stores all across Pakistan as well as online on and Beauty Arena.

HIGHLIGHTS of the Evening:
Other than the super delicious food, great hosts (Maybelline and Lotus PR rocked!) and a great goody bag, check out the fun filled evening I had with fellow bloggers. Lots of beauty talk, fashion tend updates and gossips (can't do without some ;p hehe).

Baby Lips Pout Brigade :)
Proof of bunch of boys we had :D They can definitely use Baby Lips in clear. Who says guys should not have kissable lips just as much as girls do!