A recent trip to TRIGEN PHARMA changed or rather broadened, my perspective of Herbal Medicine. Considering my curious nature regarding things that interest me, the visit opened up a whole new subject for me to explore. Who knew that there was more to herbal medicine than just green tea and garlic pills?! Oh and let me also point out, taking care of your self is also a very important part of being beautiful becuase beauty is not just skin deep.

Benefits of Herbal Medicine, Trigen Pharma, Tasly, Chinese medicine, Advantages of herbal medicine, herbal lifestyle, natural medicine, healthy choices, trigen, fitness, fitness blog

The concept of herbal is older than you may know, 5000 years for Eastern Herbalism, Chinese medicine to be more precise, which is also the most trusted practice, renowned globally. Western herbalism dates back to ancient Egypt, where records of garlic and juniper used for medicinal purposes were found from as early as 1700 B.C. Herbal medicine is widely used today, especially in Asia (that includes Pakistan) and Middle East. Before the advent of modern medicine and doctors people used to rely on just herbal techniques and remedies to treat diseases as well as injuries. Even before the modern methods many diseases, from just a common cold to even cancers, were successfully treated with the use of traditional medicine.

Benefits of Herbal Medicine, Trigen Pharma, Tasly, Chinese medicine, Advantages of herbal medicine, herbal lifestyle, natural medicine, healthy choices, trigen, fitness, fitness blog
You may not be able to refuse synthetic medicine completely. Modern medicine of the western world are good at marketing and selling themselves on the basis of hardcore research, breakthrough technologies, and above all,  FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approvals. There is nothing wrong with that, however, opting for herbal wherever possible is a healthier choice.

Beware, if you think anything goes as long as it's herbal you are mistaken. herbal medicine and treatments are not just about going to any "Hakeem"(herbal doctor), neither should you rely on the fact that its natural with no side-effects. It requires the same amount of research and the right ingredient to make an effective herbal medicine as it does in synthetic. Unfortunately, FDA doesn't consider giving proof of authenticity to any Herbal Medicine manufacturers, unless they fall under dietary supplements, which is why we can also come across frauds. You may be taking some weight loss "herbal" pills with some harmless powdered grass that will only make you poop better. No side effects perhaps but no result either. So always do you research even if it is herbal.

More Advantages and a few Disadvantages of Herbal Medicine:

Benefits of Herbal Medicine, Trigen Pharma, Tasly, Chinese medicine, Advantages of herbal medicine, herbal lifestyle, natural medicine, healthy choices, trigen, fitness, fitness blog
1. Fewer Side Effects: Here is a fact you may not be aware off: herbal medicine can also have side-effect but it depends on the drug in question. So always make sure you get your medicine from a trusted company or professional herbal doctor (Yes, herbal doctors/practitioners are also professional as they have years of experience and knowledge to support their practice just like modern doctors). However the chances of side effects, compared to conventional medicine, are very low.

2. Cost Effective: Herbal medicine will not break your bank account, even when it comes to healing deadly deseases like cancer. 

3.  All Natural: Herbal medicine utilizes the body's own healing process which makes it more favorable in aiding in treating conditions.

4. More than one benefits per medicine: Where prescription drugs focus on treating one problem, due to it's natural ingredients, herbs and plants etc, every herbal medicine will treat more than just one condition. For example Ginko (Ginko biloba) is good for circulatory disorders, but it also helps enhance memory.

5. Successful Treatment: Herbal Medicine can understand and treat all forms of ill health.
  • Skin disease, including eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, urticaria
  • Gastro-intestinal disorders, including irritable bowesyndrome,chronic constipation, ulcerative colitis
  • Gynaecological conditions, including pre-menstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhoea, endometriosis, infertility
  • Hepatitis and HIV: some promising results have been obtained for treatment of Hepatitis C, and supportive treatment may rbe beneficial in the case of HIV
  • Chronic fatigue syndromes, whether with a background of viral infection or in other situations
  • Respiratory conditions, including asthma, bronchitis, and chronic coughs, allergic and perennial rhinitis and sinusitis
  • Rheumatological conditions (e.g. osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis)
  • Urinary conditions including chronic cystitis
  • Psychological problems (e.g. depression, anxiety)

Benefits of Herbal Medicine, Trigen Pharma, Tasly, Chinese medicine, Advantages of herbal medicine, herbal lifestyle, natural medicine, healthy choices, trigen, fitness, fitness blog
I am sure all this information is making your brain buzz so I am going to leave more for later where I will share common herbal medicine you can actually make at home or find very easily.

Before the next post I would like to request all of you to SUBMIT ANY QUESTION you have in mind regarding herbal medicine, its uses, any herbal medicine you want for a particular condition, whatever you can think or want to know. I am going to make sure those are answered by a professional.

Till then, cheers *holds up her green tea mug*

P.s: Special Thanks to TRIGEN PHARMA to helping me get all this knowledge get across to the world.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The images used in this post are not mine and taken from the net for reference. If you happen to be the owner of any of the used images please inform me with verification and I will give due credit.