Before I started using a Beauty Blender I was under the impressions that fingers can do magic. In some cases yes but Beauty Blender does your makeup a whole lot better. I have been using the beauty blender for a couple of years now, though its been in the market for 15 years, wow. When the recent Silisponge trend hit the internet I had to see what was so awesome about it and so I decided to put them both to test so I could compare.

Beauty Blender, Silisponge, Makeup, Beauty, Makeup blog, Beauty blog, beauty tools, makeup shop online, top beauty blog of pakistan
Let's understand both these products individually first:


A Beauty Blender is a cosmetic sponge which is used for applying makeup and has a unique teardrop 3d shape. It enlarges after soaking in water, however, because of its cell structure (the way it is made) it doesn't retain a lot of water like other sponges when it's damp. It is soft and light on your skin, it does not soak in a lot of product but at the same time also makes sure your face is free of excess product that can lead to cakey-ness, therefore, leading to a flawless finish. It is non-disposable and you can use it with primers, foundations, powders, cream blushes, and any other complexion product.

How to use: Dampen the BB and then either dip it in product or first dab product to your face. Then lightly "bounce" it off your face, don't drag it or swipe.

I have had great experience so far with my Beauty Blender. You can purchase it from HERE for just PKR. 2,600. I know you must be thinking wow, expensive but its worth it and you can use it easily for 4+ months if you take care of it properly and wash it often.


A silisponge is actually short of Silicon Sponge. It claims wasting products is history now cos, of course, it doesn't soak up a thing! As it's made of silicon it doesn't absorb any product so you get full coverage. It is also easy to clean and you can even use a makeup wipe to do so. So basically the main claim is that it doesn't waste product and helps you use more on your face. It also costs much less than a BB.

How to use: Initially, I read you are supposed to tap it lightly on your skin to spread out product but that created texture so now you are supposed to spread out the product . . .like butter on toast, ehem.

Silisponge original is same as any other that are now available in the market. I found a few on for as low as PKR.300

I made a comparison video as well so you can see the struggle:

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